Live Batrep - Mars Vs Kris (Growling Cow) Practice Battle
September 11, 2014 by voicesofmars
A practice match between 2 Growling Cow co-hosts! Guild Vs Arcanist, who's going to win?
Kris found the correction:
1. Declare Action and Spend AP
2. Perform Duels
2.1 Declare SS Use
2.2 Flip fate card and add Stat
2.3 Cheat
2.4 Declare Triggers
2.5 Determine Success
After succeeding or failing triggers go off here
3. Resolve effects - After damaging triggers go off here
After Resolving goes off here
So they aren't broken in that they always take one damage, the will take full damage from the first attack and any subsequent after damaging triggers (Onslaught, Trigger Happy etc)