Kings of War Tournament Report - The Woodland Realm
January 29, 2017 by Andy2D6
One important note I forgot to mention during this recap. The free re-roll in this tournament could not be used on dice that had already been re-rolled, which explains why it was not used on certain nerve rolls (which had already been re-rolled for Inspiring).
-Army List (2000 points):
Biggit - Fleabag, Mace of Crushing
Flaggit - Fleabag, Diadem of Dragonkind
Wiz - Fleabag, Bane Chant, Inspiring Talisman
Wiz - Bane Chant
Troll Bruiser - Blade of Slashing
Sharpsticks Horde
Spitter Horde - Fire Oil
Fleabag Riders Regiment
Fleabag Sniffs Troop
Troll Horde - Dwarven Ale
Troll Horde - Brew of Courage
Big Rock Thrower
War Trombone