Kings of War Tournament Report - Leodis Bash
February 27, 2017 by Andy2D6
I will be going over my FIVE games from a very unique tournament, featuring two different lists at 1200 points. I'll go through all the tournament specific rules in the video.
List A:
Flaggit - Fleabag, Holy Hand Grenade
Wiz - Fleabag, Windblast, Inspiring Talisman
Troll Horde - Dwarven Ale
Troll Horde - Brew of Courage
Mawbeast Troop
Mawbeast Troop
Slasher - Small Sharpstick Thrower
Big Rock Thrower
Sharpstick Thrower
List B:
Flaggit - Holy Hand Grenade
Troll Bruiser - Blade of Slashing
Sharpstick Horde - Brew of Strength
Troll Horde - Dwarven Ale
Troll Horde - Mace of Crushing
Fleabag Rider Regiment
Mawbeast Troop
Mawbeast Troop
War Trombone